Thursday, July 3, 2014

Blue Moon (#2) By Alyson Noёl (Stefani's Review)


Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him.  As Ever’s powers are increasing, Damen’s are fading—stricken by a mysterious illness that threatens his memory, his identity, his life.

Desperate to save him, Ever travels to the mystical dimension of Summerland, uncovering not only the secrets of Damen’s past—the brutal, tortured history he hoped to keep hidden—but also an ancient text revealing the workings of time. With the approaching blue moon heralding her only window for travel, Ever is forced to decide between turning back the clock and saving her family from the accident that claimed them—or staying in the present and saving Damen, who grows weaker each day

My Review:

This book took a while to get my FULL interest. Damen and Ever are a great pair. Poor Damen has waited so long to be with Ever and then someone new steps on the scene with the full intent to destroy them. This person is sooo evil, on levels that Drina never was. They are content to watch them writhe in pain that lasts for ever. There was definitely a reason to go on to the next book.

Rating: 4 stars

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