Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson (Brandi's Review)



Before Neverland faded into myth, it was a remote and dangerous island filled with deadly mermaids, psychotic pirates, and watchful faeries. And before Peter Pan belonged to Wendy, he belonged to the girl with the crow feather in her hair . . . Tiger Lily.

When fifteen-year-old Tiger Lily meets the alluring teenage Peter deep in the forbidden woods, the two form a bond that's impossible to break, but also impossible to hold on to. As the leader of the Lost Boys, the most fearsome of Neverland's inhabitants, Peter is an unthinkable match for Tiger Lily. With her betrothal to another man and deadly enemies threatening to tear them apart, the lovers seem doomed. But it's the arrival of Wendy Darling, an English girl who's everything Tiger Lily is not, that leads Tiger Lily to discover that the most dangerous enemies lurk inside even the most loyal and loving heart.

Brandi's Review:

I came across Tiger Lily during one of the many takeovers or giveaways I have attended. When I first read the description, I was immediately drawn in, I could not stop thinking about this book. I am a sucker for the untold stories that outline and make up my beloved stories, especially when you give me one surrounding a story I have loved nearly all my life. Tiger Lily is an outcast in her village. She is seen as odd and weird, not conforming to the norms set by the tribe. She is as tough as any boy but strong and silent. Through a few chance happenings, they also come to believe Tiger Lily is one to fear. Tiger Lily is finally betrothed to Giant, who is mean and cruel to her, as a way to try to settle her down. During a chance encounter, she meets Peter Pan. I loved watching their romance bud and bloom, but when Tiger Lily has to break a promise to meet Pan it sets course for a rift in their relationship. Wendy comes to Neverland during Tiger Lily's absence and everything Tiger Lily and Peter Pan have ever known changes. This is very little like the "fairy tale" story that I grew up with, this to me shows such a different and more realistic side to a beloved tale. I felt that I was right there with Tiger Lily during all the different emotions and stages in her life. If you are expecting a sweet love story, then you will be mistaken here. If you want an emotional ride, you have come to the right place. I absolutely love a few lines in the book, which I feel describes it perfectly,"Let me tell you something straight off. This is a love story, but not like any you've heard. The boy and girl are far from innocent. Dear lives are lost. And good doesn't win."

      I gave Tiger Lily 5 stars!

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